Thursday, October 25, 2012
Romney? Mourdock? Flake? Mandel? NO!
> No thank you!
Here is a little reminder from AmericanBridge21st:
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•••• Did you know that Ohio Republicans Pat Tiberi, John Boehner, Mike Turner, Jean Schmidt, Jim Jordan, Bob Latta, Steve Austria, and Steve LaTourette all voted against the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act?
Others that voted against the Lilly Ledbetter bill include: Jeff Flake (AZ), Michelle Bachmann (MN), Mike Pence (IN), Dan Lungren (CA), Paul Ryan (WI), Peter King (NY), Dean Heller (NV), Jason Chaffetz (UT), Paul Broun (GA), Tom Price (GA), and other Republicans just don't like the idea that women should have equal pay and the ability to sue if she is not being paid fairly.
Here in Ohio, Republican tea party favorite, Josh Mandel stated his opposition to pay equity, marriage equality, the auto-bailout, clean air, clean water, lowering interest rates on college loans, and increasing taxes on the rich. Mandel also is against abortion, even if a woman is a victim of rape or incest.
Ladies-- Things will never get better for us unless we elect people that support equal pay. We also need to keep those Republicans out of office that are obsessive about what happens in a woman's uterus. We want our privacy and the ability to make our own decisions about our bodies without some Republican showing up in the examining room!
Vote for President Obama because he respects women and their rights to make their own decisions.
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Pat Tiberi Against American Auto Companies?
Republican Rep. Pat Tiberi voted against the auto restructuring plan, known as the auto bailout. If you have a job that depends on the survival of the American auto industry's survival, you might want to rethink which candidate should receive your vote.
HR 7321 Dec. 10, 2008: Notable "Noes" from Ohio: Republican Rep. Paul Chabot, Rep. Pat Tiberi, Rep. Jean Schmidt, Rep. Mike Turner, Rep. Bob Latta, Rep. John Boehner, and the rest of the "NOEs:
Aderholt Akin Alexander Bachmann Bachus Barrett (SC) Bartlett (MD) Biggert Bilbray Bilirakis Bishop (UT) Blackburn Blunt Boehner Bonner Bono Mack Boozman Boustany Boyd (FL) Brady (TX) Broun (GA) Brown (SC) Brown-Waite, Ginny Buchanan Burgess Burton (IN) Butterfield Calvert Cannon Cantor Cardoza Carter Chabot Childers Coble Cole (OK) Conaway Cooper Crenshaw Culberson Davis (AL) Davis (KY) Davis, David Deal (GA) Dent Diaz-Balart, L. Diaz-Balart, M. Drake Dreier Duncan Fallin Feeney Ferguson Filner Flake Forbes Fortenberry | Fossella Foxx Franks (AZ) Gallegly Garrett (NJ) Gerlach Giffords Gingrey Gohmert Goode Goodlatte Granger Graves Hall (TX) Hastings (WA) Hayes Heller Hensarling Herger Herseth Sandlin Hobson Hulshof Inglis (SC) Issa Johnson (IL) Johnson, Sam Jones (NC) Jordan Kagen King (IA) Kingston Kirk Kline (MN) Lamborn Latham Latta Lewis (CA) Linder LoBiondo Lucas Lungren, Daniel E. Mack Marchant Marshall Matheson McCarthy (CA) McCaul (TX) McHenry McIntyre McKeon McMorris Rodgers Mica Miller (FL) Mitchell Moran (KS) Musgrave Myrick | Neugebauer Nunes Paul Pearce Pence Peterson (MN) Petri Pickering Pitts Platts Poe Price (GA) Putnam Radanovich Rahall Rehberg Reichert Reynolds Rodriguez Rogers (AL) Rogers (KY) Ros-Lehtinen Roskam Royce Sali Saxton Scalise Schmidt Sessions Shadegg Shays Shimkus Shuler Shuster Simpson Smith (NE) Smith (TX) Stark Stearns Sullivan Terry Thornberry Tiahrt Tiberi Turner Walden (OR) Walz (MN) Wamp Weller Westmoreland Whitfield (KY) Wilson (NM) Wilson (SC) Wittman (VA) Wolf Young (FL) |
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