Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Contact Time!

Back to work, people! The election might be over but some Republicans need to be sent a message!


John Boehner's worse nightmare.  The phones, faxes and e-mails of Republican representatives being flooded with contacts from voters in their Districts demanding that the Representatives sign the discharge petition filed by Nancy Pelosi.

You can make it happen by contacting your Representative and demanding that he or she sign the discharge petition (if he or she has not already done so).  Then you should send an an e-mail to everyone in your address book asking them to contact their Representative as well.   And you should also post it on your Facebook page, send tweets, and use other social media to get the word out.  

To find out if your Representative has signed the discharge petition

Here is a list of Representatives and their contact information:

Let them know we expect them to sign the discharge petition now. You might also let them know that you are tired of being ignored by the Republican Party while they focus their attention on millionaires and billionaires.

Contact page for Republican Rep. Steve Stivers:
Contact page for Republican Rep. Pat Tiberi:

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Romney? Mourdock? Flake? Mandel? NO!

> No thank you!

Here is a little reminder from AmericanBridge21st:

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

••••  Did you know that Ohio Republicans Pat Tiberi, John Boehner, Mike Turner, Jean Schmidt, Jim Jordan, Bob Latta, Steve Austria, and Steve LaTourette all voted against the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act?

Others that voted against the Lilly Ledbetter bill include: Jeff Flake (AZ), Michelle Bachmann (MN), Mike Pence (IN), Dan Lungren (CA), Paul Ryan (WI), Peter King (NY), Dean Heller (NV), Jason Chaffetz (UT), Paul Broun (GA), Tom Price (GA), and other Republicans just don't like the idea that women should have equal pay and the ability to sue if she is not being paid fairly. 

Here in Ohio, Republican tea party favorite, Josh Mandel stated his opposition to pay equity, marriage equality, the auto-bailout, clean air, clean water, lowering interest rates on college loans, and increasing taxes on the rich.  Mandel also is against abortion, even if a woman is a victim of rape or incest.

Ladies-- Things will never get better for us unless we elect people that support equal pay. We also need to keep those Republicans out of office that are obsessive about what happens in a woman's uterus. We want our privacy and the ability to make our own decisions about our bodies without some Republican showing up in the examining room!

Vote for President Obama because he respects women and their rights to make their own decisions.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Pat Tiberi Against American Auto Companies?

Republican Rep. Pat Tiberi voted against the auto restructuring plan, known as the auto bailout. If you have a job that depends on the survival of the American auto industry's survival, you might want to rethink which candidate should receive your vote.

HR 7321 Dec. 10, 2008: Notable "Noes" from Ohio: Republican Rep. Paul Chabot, Rep. Pat Tiberi, Rep. Jean Schmidt, Rep. Mike Turner, Rep. Bob Latta, Rep. John Boehner, and the rest of the "NOEs:

---- NOES    170 ---

Barrett (SC)
Bartlett (MD)
Bishop (UT)
Bono Mack
Boyd (FL)
Brady (TX)
Broun (GA)
Brown (SC)
Brown-Waite, Ginny
Burton (IN)
Cole (OK)
Davis (AL)
Davis (KY)
Davis, David
Deal (GA)
Diaz-Balart, L.
Diaz-Balart, M.
Franks (AZ)
Garrett (NJ)
Hall (TX)
Hastings (WA)
Herseth Sandlin
Inglis (SC)
Johnson (IL)
Johnson, Sam
Jones (NC)
King (IA)
Kline (MN)
Lewis (CA)
Lungren, Daniel E.
McCarthy (CA)
McCaul (TX)
McMorris Rodgers
Miller (FL)
Moran (KS)
Peterson (MN)
Price (GA)
Rogers (AL)
Rogers (KY)
Smith (NE)
Smith (TX)
Walden (OR)
Walz (MN)
Whitfield (KY)
Wilson (NM)
Wilson (SC)
Wittman (VA)
Young (FL)

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Paul Ryan Voted For "Let Women Die"

*Should a woman who has been a victim of rape or incest have access to an abortion? Call Republicans Rep. Pat Tiberi (  614 895-0900) and Rep. Steve 
Stivers (614-358-0800) what they think. While you are out it, call Josh Mandel's campaign office (  614-314-8311) and try to get the same question answered.

>>>  Rachel Maddow focused on Josh Mandel tonight.  Would he have supported the GM bailout? Mandel, on tape, answered with a bunch of gibberish, as usual.

•  Here is another interesting tidbit about Paul Ryan, from CBS Pittsburgh:

...there is something else Paul Ryan is gaining notoriety for, his sponsorship of federal legislation to declare that human life begins at fertilization. “Personhood”, as it is called by its proponents, has failed on every state ballot because of its extreme nature.

“Personhood” would outlaw all abortions, even in the cases of rape, incest and threats to a woman’s health. “Personhood” also criminalizes many forms of birth control, including the pill (which is the most popular form of birth control). It also threatens couples going through in vitro fertilization with criminal charges should something happen to the resulting embryos – or as Ryan would say, the resulting people....

...Ryan voted for the “let women die” bill which would allow hospitals to refuse to provide a woman emergency, lifesaving abortion care, even if she could die without it....

How awful!  Why does Paul Ryan believe that women have no rights?

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Farms, Transparency, Forced Ultrasounds, etc.

* Yo!  Ohio Farmers!!!!!!  Why are Republicans blocking the farm bill?  Call Pat Tiberi at his campaign office {(614) 895-0900 - Fax (614) 895-0952 -}.  You can see if Steve Stivers is at his campaign office {(614) 358-0800}.  The do-nothing Republicans in the House of Representatives have done nothing to help you, but they are on vacation - again!!!!
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

 *  Republican tea party candidate, Josh Mandel, supports more transparency, but apparently not for himself. (LINK)  That is hilarious.  Josh Mandel, Ohio's absent Treasurer, has refused to release requested information and refuses to answer questions from the press. 

You can count Mandel among the Republicans that want to give more tax cuts to the rich, raise middle class taxes, and gut public schools.  The Republicans are absolutely disgusting.

>>>> Many people don't know Republican candidate Paul Ryan.  You might not know that Paul Ryan is on the extreme right of the Republican Party.  His views on women are positively prehistoric, and he has voted 59 times against women's reproductive rights.

Seriously.  How can anyone support candidates (Romney-Ryan) that want to-----
  • give more tax cuts for the rich,
  • gut agriculture,
  • allow corporations to dump and pollute the earth, our water, and air,
  • destroy Medicare and force seniors to pay more out of pocket expenses,
  • ban abortions, even if a woman is raped or the victim of incest, 
  • end college grants and loans,
  • de-fund public education,
  • privatize everything, etc., etc., etc.

Romney and Ryan are wrong on every level.

Monday, August 13, 2012

College Students: Avoid the Romney-Ryan Ticket

* If you are preparing to start college or are currently finishing up your degree, there are a few things that you should know about the Republican ticket of Romney-Ryan----

In Paul Ryan's budget, he make cuts to areas that are important to college students and their parents, as noted in this ThinkProgress post:

.....According to an analysis by the Education Trust that was provided to the Huffington Post, the House Republican budget would ultimately knock more than one million students off of Pell Grants entirely:
   More than 1 million students would lose Pell grants entirely over the next 10 years under Rep. Paul Ryan’s budget, according to an analysis that the national reform organization Education Trust provided to The Huffington Post....

How can we forget that Romney advised college students to "...borrow money from their parents....."  From Melissa Harris-Perry's program, we have the following video: (YouTube)

Those of you that live in central Ohio, should be concerned about the Republican candidates. Sending someone like Rep. Pat Tiberi (OH-12) back to the House of Representatives is a ridiculous action. Tiberi and his right wing Republicans have done nothing but sit on their rear ends trying to protect bankers, and millionaires. We cannot support Pat Tiberi because he does nothing but follow orders from the extreme right wing of his party.  Stop the gridlock in Washington and move away from the extremists of the Republican Tea Party.

*******  Republican Josh Mandel Received his 6th Pants on Fire  *******

Ohio's absent Treasurer, Josh Mandel, is a Republican candidate for U.S. Senate.  Mandel, has made another statement in his political ad that has been called his 6th Pants on Fire by Ohio Politifact.

....The ad claims Brown sent billions of dollars to foreign countries. The information that the ad uses to back up that claim, that Brown voted for the stimulus bill, has been proven false. Brown did not make decisions on how that money would be spent, and he was one of the senators who called for its suspension after the foreign grants were reported.

When confronted with those facts, the Mandel campaign offered as support for its claim that Brown votes for appropriations for U.S. foreign operations. That's the money for embassies, war-related spending to help establish new governments and the U.S. portions of international missions. That's a ridiculous stretch from what the ad implies, which is that Brown tried to hide that he irresponsibly sent billions or our tax dollars to foreign countries.

We have a rating for statements that are both false and ridiculous. It's Pants on Fire.

OMG!  Josh Mandel would lie and go to any lengths to get elected. Shame.

• Support President Obama, and vote for Democrats to get things moving again.  We've got to protect our seniors, the futures of a college students, and those who've fallen on hard times.  Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan don't even care about you, unless you are a millionaire.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Farm Bill Delayed by GOP Infighting

*  Republicans in the House have delayed bringing the farm bill to a vote because there have been disagreements in their party over cuts to programs.


Speaker John A. Boehner is resisting a floor debate on a bedrock bill to renew nutrition and agriculture programs, amid concerns that it will spotlight divisions among Republicans and divert attention from the majority’s pre-election agenda.

But some Republicans, including Agriculture Chairman Frank D. Lucas of Oklahoma, are pushing back and pressing leaders to bring the measure (HR 6083) to the floor in order to demonstrate that Republicans can govern....

...Pat Tiberi, R-Ohio, a close Boehner ally, is among those who are hesitant to stir party divisions with a debate over farm programs. “Everyone is for a farm bill, in theory. But there is controversy on many specifics,” Tiberi said....

While Boehner doesn't want to expose the rifts within the Republican controlled House, farmers are waiting for help.  With one of the worst droughts in the history of our country destroying crops, farmers have been left on the sidelines waiting for Boehner and the Tea Party Republicans to settle their differences. 

These Tea Party Republicans are far right agitators that are only concerned about themselves.  It is time to vote out the Tea Party Republicans who continue to slow down legislation just to hear themselves talk. They refuse to help farmers, retirees, and the middle class.

Republican Josh Mandel, Ohio's absent Treasurer and candidate for Senate, has a jobs plan that doesn't mention the middle class, women, families, the auto industry, or anything that applies to regular Ohioans.  Mandel, currently being bolstered by campaign contributions from far right PACs, has embraced the Tea Party core of beliefs that involves lowering taxes for the wealthy, gutting environmental laws, and allowing corporations to do as they please. 

Farmers, and the middle class need candidates that have proven their worth in supporting the needs of ordinary people---- not the country club members.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Tiberi Protecting Wealthy

*** The Hill has a piece written by Republican Rep. Pat Tiberi (OH-12).  In the article, Tiberi claims that he is being called by people concerned about the expiring Bush tax cuts.

The problem is Tiberi and the rest of the Republicans want to protect the wealthy with the unfunded tax cuts put forth during the administration of former President George W. Bush.  Meanwhile, Tiberi, Cantor, and the GOPers in the House, refuse to vote on the tax cut for the middle class that passed the U.S. Senate. 

People should be calling Tiberi to ask him why the Republicans have refused to vote on the farm bill.  The farm bill passed the Senate, but the House Republicans have not even scheduled the the farm bill for committees or a vote. Shame on them. Shame on Tiberi. Our farmers need our support, especially during this particularly dry summer.

Contact Tiberi's office and ask him why he continues to protect millionaires and why he has not helped the farmers in Ohio:

Congressman Patrick J. Tiberi
3000 Corporate Exchange Drive
Suite 310
Columbus, Ohio 43231
(614) 523-2555
Fax: (614) 818-0887 

•••••  Will Romney ever reveal his tax returns?  What does Harry Reid know?  Boston's CBS station has an idea where Harry Reid might have gotten some information on Romney's tax rate:   CBS Boston.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Where are the jobs, Tiberi?

***  Republican Rep. Pat Tiberi (OH-12) suggests that Ohio should not expand Medicaid, as noted in the Dispatch:

U.S. Rep. Pat Tiberi, R-Genoa Township, says Ohio should opt out of expanding Medicaid because the tax-funded health-insurance program already covering 2.2 million poor and disabled is overburdened.

“We’re just adding all these people to Medicaid without fixing it,” Tiberi said of President Barack Obama’s health-care law yesterday during a meeting with the Dispatch editorial board....

....Tiberi said future costs for states are uncertain....

Pat Tiberi's response is pretty lame.  If people need Medicaid, why should it be denied?  Tiberi, Kasich, and other Republicans are just trying to win political points with the extreme right wing Tea Party Republicans. 

I have a proposal.  Pat Tiberi hasn't brought back one job to his district and paying him overburdens us taxpayers.  We should stop paying Tiberi and everyone else that has refused to work with President Obama to create jobs.  Instead of creating jobs, Republicans like Tiberi have passed the same legislation over, and over again.  The Republican controlled House of Representatives has repealed the Affordable Care Act numerous times, made it more difficult for women to have access to gynecological medical care repeatedly, and passed bills to take apart legislation that protect the public from unfair bank practices.

Pat Tiberi is wrong and I'm not sure how he has remained in the House as long as he has.  We need to make sure that people are able to eat, have shelter, and care for themselves. This is the responsible thing to do. Tiberi is always bragging that he is friends with the Bishop.  Perhaps Tiberi should ask the Bishop about those areas of Catholicism that refer to taking care of the poor.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Tiberi + Romney= Not working for you

*** Where do you keep your money?  My husband and I invest in banks in our country because we believe in America, and we want to make our country strong and safe for our children and grandchildren.  Apparently, Mitt Romney has his money in foreign countries to get the best rates and hide his true wealth from the American people.  Does Mitt Romney care about our country and our citizens?  Why is Romney so secretive about his investments, tax returns, and even his plans?


Guess what happened yesterday? Nothing.  The Republicans, including Pat Tiberi and Steve Stivers, and the rest of the Ohio Republicans, voted again to repeal the Affordable Care Act (see Washington Post).  Shame on them.  Don't let these people tell you they are working for you! 

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Josh Mandel Hangs Out with SB 5 Supporter

Republican Josh Mandel, still touring Ohio instead of going to his office to do his job as Ohio Treasurer, met up with someone Ohio voters remember--- Kyle Farmer. During the push for SB 5/Issue 2, the anti-middle class legislation pushed by Kasich and the Republicans, Kyle Farmer appeared in an ad as a teacher that supported the Republican issue.  However, it was soon discovered that Kyle Farmer was also the chair of the Fairfield County GOP.  It is good to see that Josh Mandel continues to keep those friendships with people that share his anti-workers rights agenda.  Kyle Farmer and Josh Mandel----still working together. 

If there are any firefighters, teachers, nurses, police officers, public employees that need reminding about what Josh Mandel, Kyle Farmer, John Kasich, and the Ohio GOP wanted to do to Ohio's middle class, you can read through it here.

Republican Josh Mandel reminds Ohio voters every single day why he should never be elected to a higher office.  He doesn't respect the rights of women, middle class working men and women, the elderly, public school education, etc.  

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Pat Tiberi Is Not Working for You

Republican Rep. Pat Tiberi continues to bask in the benefits of being in the House of Representatives, even though he has done nothing to help the residents of his district. Tiberi hasn't produced any real jobs for the people he represents.

One thing we do know is that Pat Tiberi supports Mitt Romney. Does Tiberi support tax cuts for companies even if they send jobs overseas or offshore?   Does Tiberi think it is appropriate for a candidate for U.S. President to have secret accounts in other countries?  Does Pat Tiberi think that the Paul Ryan budget is moral?  The Paul Ryan budget takes from the poor to give more tax breaks to millionaires. Is that moral?

Which candidate will help you more----one that has enriched himself, or one that wants to invest in our country?

Monday, June 25, 2012

Still More Politics

* Republican Rep. Pat Tiberi (OH-12) continues to do nothing for his constituents.  What legislation that he has sponsored has made it into law this congressional session? That is an easy answer ---- ZERO!  According to OpenCongress, Pat Tiberi....
In my opinion, that is pathetic.  Of those bills he has sponsored, 2 of them are legislation related to shipping.  What interest is there in Ohio for international shipping by sea? Which special interest group got to Tiberi?  Where are the jobs, Pat?

• Most people would be upset if someone accused them of lying.  Unfortunately, Josh Mandel seems to enjoy telling lies and smearing his opponents.  NBC4 in Columbus takes a look at Mandel's political ads:

Thursday, June 21, 2012

College Loan Interest Rates Going Up

Republicans are sitting on their behinds and doing nothing but create a political side show while they attack Attorney General Eric Holder.  The Republicans, under the leadership of Rep. Darrell Issa, are investigating events that transpired under the Bush administration. Do you know how many of the people associated with the Bush administration have been called to testify?  Zero!  Issa is out to harm Eric Holder and the President, while he delays important legislation.  Right now, seven million college students are sitting on the edge of their seats waiting for Congress to act on the college loan legislation.  If the Republicans in the House do not act, seven million college students will see their college interest loans double.

Rep. Darrell Issa once lived in Cleveland Heights, and people there know of his reputation. More recently, Ryan Lizza wrote an article for the New Yorker about Darrell Issa:

...Issa, it turned out, had, among other things, been indicted for stealing a car, arrested for carrying a concealed weapon, and accused by former associates of burning down a building.

In May of 1998, Lance Williams, of the San Francisco Examiner, reported that Issa had not always received the “highest possible” ratings in the Army. In fact, at one point he “received unsatisfactory conduct and efficiency ratings and was transferred to a supply depot.” Williams also discovered that Issa didn’t provide security for Nixon at the 1971 World Series, because Nixon didn’t attend any of the games. 

A member of Issa’s Army unit, Jay Bergey, told Williams that his most vivid recollection of the young Issa was that in December, 1971, Issa stole his car, a yellow Dodge Charger. “I confronted Issa,” Bergey said in 1998. “I got in his face and threatened to kill him, and magically my car reappeared the next day, abandoned on the turnpike.” 

There is plenty more about Darrell Issa's life and events. I suggest you read it all at

You have to wonder if the Republicans are going after Attorney General Eric Holder because he is working to end the restrictions on voting started by the Republicans in various states, he has refused to defend DOMA, or is this whole thing been instigated by some right wing group?

It might be to your advantage to call your members of the House and Senate and remind them if they do nothing, your son/daughter's college loan interest rate will double. The Republicans continue to block jobs bills, the infrastructure job creation bill, and even the Dream Act.  They have done Nothing!!!!

Look for your member of the House here, and your Senator here.  Tell them to stop wasting time!!!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Tiberi Pushing for Tax Cuts for Rich

Republican Rep. Pat Tiberi (OH-12th) is still working on extending those Bush tax cuts.  The wealthy have been doing very well, especially with people like Tiberi defending them.  Scott Keyes interviewed Rep. Pat Tiberi for Think Progress:

Rep. Pat Tiberi (R-OH), a member of the House Ways and Means Committee, defended the House Republican budget at a tax policy summit yesterday — as well as the broader idea that taxes on the wealthy need to be cut while taxes on lower-income Americans should be raised. When asked by ThinkProgress’ Scott Keyes to square the GOP’s explicit desire to cut taxes for the rich with the fact that it’s budget would raise taxes on low-income working Americans, Tiberi responded by saying that to do otherwise would be to “beat up on people who are trying to be successful.” He then made the case for raising taxes on the poor by lamenting that they don’t have any “skin in the game”:

    TIBERI: I think the federal government has an obligation to make sure that we deal    with people who have difficulties. But at the same time, the tax code shouldn’t be used as a tool to just bring revenue in and beat up people who are trying to be successful…So I think we’ve got to lower the tax rates, both for corporations and for American individuals. And let them try to grow our economy and grow jobs so people like you and me can have an opportunity to work....

The budget authored by Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI), defended by Tiberi, and passed by the House Republicans, would cut taxes for millionaires by an average of $187,000 in 2014 alone, even if tax expenditures are eliminated to offset the revenue loss. Meanwhile, it would allow tax cuts on low-income Americans, passed in response to the economic collapse, to expire. Families making $30,000 or less would see their after-tax income fall, in some cases by as much as 2 percent, while those making over $1 million would see it rise by 12.5 percent....

As long as Republicans like Pat Tiberi, Steve Stivers, Jim Renacci, John Boehner , and the rest of these GOPers keep defending their rich friends and contributors, the rich will get richer, and the poor will get poorer.

Here is a PR Web release which mentions Rep. Pat Tiberi: 

New York, NY (PRWEB) June 11, 2012
Friday, June 8, Congressman Pat Tiberi (R-OH), Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee Subcommittee on Select Revenue Measures held a hearing to evaluate the framework that Congress should use to assess whether to extend certain tax provisions that either expired in 2011 or will expire in 2012, including New Market Tax Credits (NMTC) and the Low-income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC). This follows on the heels of an April 26, 2012, Subcommittee hearing on proposals related to tax extenders. At that hearing, Robert W. Davenport, president of the National Development Council (NDC) submitted testimony and evidence stressing the importance of extending the NMTC, which expired on December 31, 2011 and the passage of HR 2655, the New Markets Tax Credit Extension Act of 2011....

I wonder if the fact that Pat Tiberi got campaign contributions from Robert Davenport opened the door for Mr. Davenport testify to support the extension of the Bush tax cuts???? OpenSecrets:

NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL3/31/12$1,000Tiberi, Patrick J (R)
NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL/FINANC12/20/09$1,000Tiberi, Patrick J (R)  

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Will Josh Mandel Ever Work at His Elected Office

Josh Mandel must certainly love San Francisco!  If you recall, Josh Mandel went to the Bay Area GOP on December 5, 2011 for a reception held in his honor. Then, Josh Mandel returned to San Francisco to the Bay Area GOP on March 26, 2012, for another fundraiser!"

You'll never guess where Josh Mandel is going AGAIN!!!!!  The Bay Area GOP!!!!!!


Seriously, there is something wrong with someone that is so clearly unhappy in his current job that he would go to any lengths, fly to any destination, just to get out of work. 

Wait!!!!!  There is more!!!!  Josh Mandel goes back to Washington, DC, for more fundraisers.  The Sunlight Foundation has discovered that 3 more fundraisers for Josh Mandel will be held in Washington, DC on Monday, June 18th, 1pm, 4:30pm, and 5pm. (These should not be confused with the 3 previous fundraisers he had in DC on June 4th.)

Mark your calendars!  Josh Mandel won't be in his elected office as Ohio Treasurer on June 13, and June 18th, because he has better things to do than be the custodian of our tax dollars.

In the military, it is call AWOL (absent without leave).  Josh Mandel has been AWOL from his office as Ohio Treasurer.  Shame.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Republicans vs. Women at every level

* Would you vote for Mitt Romney or any Republican knowing their beliefs on the rights of women?


Saturday, April 28, 2012

Republicans Cut Women's Health Screenings

* Republican Rep. Pat Tiberi (OH-12) is the Chair of a House Ways and Means Committee.  Tiberi, who has successfully worked in the shadow of other Republicans (like John Kasich) stays out of sight, has been hearing testimony this week on tax breaks.  Unfortunately, Tiberi seems to be embracing extending the Bush tax cuts for the rich.


....Rep. Pat Tiberi (R, Ohio), the chairman of a House Ways and Means Committee subcommittee, told reporters on Thursday that the goal remains to come up with a comprehensive overhaul of the tax code that lowers rates while bringing more parts of the tax base back into the system. But "in the interim, that may mean that some of these extenders have to be extended," Tiberi told reporters. "It may mean that the 01-03 have to be extended." 

....One hitch: Mr. Tiberi said that Congress must find a way to pay for extending any of the tax breaks. That means either spending cuts or tax increases elsewhere--options that tend to run into opposition.....

Tiberi, Boehner, Cantor, and other GOPers have already indicated how they'd get the things they want. Just this week, the Republican-dominated House pushed to keep college loan interest rates low by removing preventive care for women from the Obama health care bill. The Republicans are telling you that you will get your student loan, but your mother won't be able to get her yearly cancer screenings. (Yet Republicans say there is no "war on women.")

Here is the vote (The "ayes" voted to extend lower interest rates for college loans, but take away your mother's cancer screenings.) from Friday, April 27, 2012, for
H R 4628 from the

Barton (TX)
Bass (NH)
Bishop (NY)
Bishop (UT)
Bono Mack
Brady (TX)
Burton (IN)
Coffman (CO)
Donnelly (IN)
Duncan (TN)
Gingrey (GA)
Graves (MO)
Griffin (AR)
Griffith (VA)
Hastings (WA)
Herrera Beutler
Johnson (IL)
Johnson (OH)
Johnson, Sam
King (IA)
King (NY)
Kinzinger (IL)
Lewis (CA)
Lungren, Daniel E.
McCarthy (CA)
McMorris Rodgers
Miller (MI)
Miller, Gary
Poe (TX)
Roe (TN)
Rogers (AL)
Rogers (KY)
Rogers (MI)
Ross (FL)
Ryan (WI)
Scott (SC)
Scott, Austin
Smith (NE)
Smith (NJ)
Smith (TX)
Thompson (PA)
Turner (NY)
Turner (OH)
Walz (MN)
Young (AK)
Young (FL)
Young (IN)

If you read the list, you'll notice that Pat Tiberi (OH-12), Steve Chabot (OH-1),
Jean Schmidt (OH-2), Mike Turner (OH-3), Jim Jordan (OH-4), Bob Latta (OH-5),
Bill Johnson (OH-6), Steve Austria (OH-7), Steve LaTourette (OH-14),
Steve Stivers (OH-15), Jim Renacci (OH-16), Bob Gibbs (OH-18).

If you'd like to contact these Ohio Republicans, I've provided contact info from the
House Directory and the individual campaign/Ohio office numbers:

     Official House of Rep #'s   ---------------------   campaign or Ohio contact:

1 Chabot, Steve R 2351 RHOB 202-225-2216    (campaign tel: (513) 662-8000)

2 Schmidt, Jean R 2464 RHOB 202-225-3164   (Ohio office tel. (513) 791-0381)
3 Turner, Michael R 2454 RHOB 202-225-6465 (campaign tel: (937) 222-7749)
4 Jordan, Jim R 1524 LHOB 202-225-2676  (campaign tel: (937) 509-0372)
5 Latta, Robert E. R 1323 LHOB 202-225-6405  (campaign tel: (419) 352-1956)
6 Johnson, Bill R 317 CHOB 202-225-5705  (Ohio office tel: (740) 376-0868)
7 Austria, Steve R 439 CHOB 202-225-4324  (campaign tel: (937) 717-4723)
12 Tiberi, Pat R 106 CHOB 202-225-5355   (campaign tel: (614) 895-0900)
14 LaTourette, Steven C. R 2371 RHOB 202-225-5731 (Ohio office tel: (330) 425-9291)
15 Stivers, Steve R 1007 LHOB 202-225-2015 (campaign tel: (614) 358-0800)
16 Renacci, Jim R 130 CHOB 202-225-3876  (campaign tel: (330) 336-3001)
18 Gibbs, Bob R 329 CHOB 202-225-6265 ( campaign tel: (330) 353-9565)
If you cannot reach your member of Congress through their congressional office, you might get a better connection through their campaign website.    

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Romney wasn't concerned in 2007

* I saw this over at Daily Kos:

....Mitt Romney saying in April 2007 that it was not worth going after Osama Bin Laden:

It's not worth moving heaven and earth spending billions of dollars just trying to catch one person.

Here is the original 2007 story from TalkingPointsMemo:

Yesterday we flagged an Associated Press story quoting Mitt Romney saying the following about Osama Bin Laden: "It's not worth moving heaven and earth spending billions of dollars just trying to catch one person."

....Indeed, the only condemnation we can find of Romney's remark comes in a single post on the National Review's group blog, The Corner. Byron York writes: "Perhaps Romney should watch the tape of the planes hitting the towers again."

A page capture of TPM Cafe ( shows this-

Quote Of The Day

"It's not worth moving heaven and earth spending billions of dollars just trying to catch one person."
— Mitt Romney, in an interview with the Associated Press, saying that the country's safety would not benefit significantly from catching Osama Bin Laden. This quote was buried in the AP article. One wonders what the reaction would be if a Democrat said this.
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Apr 26, 2007 -- 05:20 PM EST

Here is the original Associated Press story from an interview and published in and captured by :

....In the interview, Romney also:

_Said the country would be safer by only "a small percentage" and would see "a very insignificant increase in safety" if al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden was caught because another terrorist would rise to power. "It's not worth moving heaven and earth spending billions of dollars just trying to catch one person," Romney said. Instead, he said he supports a broader strategy to defeat the Islamic jihad movement.

_Said "the jury's still out" on whether Iraqis, with U.S. help, will successfully rebuild their nation, and establish the rule of law and a permanent government. He ridiculed Democratic efforts to set a public date for withdrawal. "There's certainly nothing wrong with having milestones that we hope to achieve and having the military evaluating whether we're making progress or not, but to set a public deadline for departure makes no military sense at all."

For months, Romney has faced criticism for changing his positions on abortion and gay rights, and equivocating on a series of other policy issues, including immigration and gun control. He has cast himself as the conservative choice for voters, a contrast to the moderate views he voiced in an unsuccessful 1994 Senate race and a victorious 2002 governor's race in liberal-leaning Massachusetts.....

Of Romney's 5 sons, not one of them served in the military, but in this interview he is willing for your sons and your daughters to be in wars forever.

I wonder what other Romney quotes will be found.

Monday, March 26, 2012


*  Why do we hear very little from Republican Rep. Pat Tiberi?  Tiberi (OH-12) has remained in the background on some public issues, but appears to have taken a turn to the right on other legislation.  Even though Tiberi has been recognized by the Farm Bureau, I wonder if they've taken a good look at the new 2012 Paul Ryan proposed budget plan that strips farm subsidies from the budget.  Tiberi supports the new version of the Paul Ryan plan, even though it will create hardships for farmers.

How effective of a member of the House of Representatives has Pat Tiberi been for his constituents?  There are lots of complaints.  Many in Delaware County feel they've been neglected by Tiberi.  The level of poverty in other parts of Tiberi's district make you wonder if he has even visited the poorest neighborhoods within his district.

When you examine some of the Pat Tiberi sponsored legislation, you wonder if his work in Congress is geared toward helping constituents or someone else.

Govtrack has information about a bill sponsored by Rep. Pat Tiberi in 2003 that was titled, HR 2065: To amend the Fair Labor Standard Act of 1938 to Exempt Licensed Funeral Directors and Licensed Embalmers from the Minimum Wage and Overtime Compensation Requirements of that Act.

Gee.  Why would Pat Tiberi sponsor a bill like this???????  You don't think that it could have benefited a relative that owns a funeral home, like Maeder Quint Tiberi Funeral Home?  Luckily, this legislation sponsored by Pat Tiberi never became law.  The truth of the matter is that Pat Tiberi was sent to congress to work for all of his constituents, not just his relatives.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Tiberi supports robbing the poor?

*  Once again, Republican Rep. Pat Tiberi is trying to protect the wealthy.  In a move that could only be categorized as going backwards, Tiberi and his GOPers decided that instead of creating new legislation to assist hardworking average Americans, they'd see how they can help the rich get more money.


The U.S. House’s top tax writer said he will start examining the merits of dozens of expired tax breaks.....

...“Far too many provisions in the tax code are temporary, making it hard for employers to plan, invest and create new jobs for American families,” Camp, a Michigan Republican, said in a joint statement with Representative Pat Tiberi, an Ohio Republican and chairman of a Ways and Means subcommittee. “We look forward to hearing from interested parties about the merits of these tax policies.” 

Republicans are always complaining about the country's debt, but they haven't figured out (or they're just ignoring the fact) that they must get more revenue to wipe out the debt. 

Pat Tiberi is on record supporting Republican Rep. Paul Ryan's budget (see link). The Paul Ryan budget is a plan to deprive you of your Medicare by giving you coupons to buy your own insurance.  What they haven't told you is that the value of those "coupons" decreases every year until it just magically disappears.

The Paul Ryan budget which is supported by Tiberi, does nothing to solve financial problems for the country.  The conservative U.S. News and World Report has this:

....Analysis by my colleagues at the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities shows how seriously the Ryan budget violates the Bowles-Simpson principle of protecting low-income households:
The new Ryan budget is a remarkable document—one that, for most of the past half-century, would have been outside the bounds of mainstream discussion due to its extreme nature. In essence, this budget is Robin Hood in reverse—on steroids. It would likely produce the largest redistribution of income from the bottom to the top in modern U.S. history and likely increase poverty and inequality more than any other budget in recent times (and possibly in the nation's history).
On the tax side, meanwhile, the Ryan budget violates the principle that everything should be on the table; it relies exclusively on spending cuts to achieve its deficit targets. Indeed, it proposes new tax cuts that would cost $4.6 trillion over the next decade (beyond the cost of implementing Chairman Ryan's call to make all of the Bush tax cuts permanent), according to the Urban-Brookings Tax Policy Center. At the same time, he does not provide any details of how he would scale back the tax credits, deductions, and other preferences, known collectively as "tax expenditures" that the plan says it would use to finance those tax cuts.....
Pat Tiberi supports this legislation that has been described as "...Robin Hood in reverse..."?
Shame. Robbing the poor does not sound like a good goal.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Why is Pat Tiberi stepping on your rights to birth control?

Looking back on the work of the Republicans in the House of Representatives, we can see that they have done nothing to improve your lives.  As an example, I give you Republican Rep. Pat Tiberi (OH-12). 

Pat Tiberi voted for the Paul Ryan budget plan (see Roll Call Vote 277, 4/15/11), which would end Social Security and Medicare, and hand out vouchers to the elderly who would then need to go and shop for health insurance.  According to the LA Times, the elderly would end up putting more of their own money out for insurance under the Paul Ryan plan than if we just continued with our current programs.

Tiberi sponsored only 8 bills in this current Congress, and not one of them has been signed into law.  Are they too radical?

In an article posted at FoxNews, Republican Rep. Pat Tiberi takes the side of the clergy over the rights of women to have birth control.  I'm offended that Pat Tiberi thinks he speaks for women.  If 99% of American women have used birth control at a time in their lives, and 98% of Catholic women have used birth control, why is Pat Tiberi stepping on our rights to choose our method of birth control.  Why is Pat Tiberi involved in the Republican Party's war against women?????

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Tiberi = Kasich

Republican Rep. Pat Tiberi has gained leadership positions in the Republican-controlled House despite the fact that he isn't really a leader.  Tiberi has always been a follower and takes his orders from John Boehner. Under Boehner and the support of the Tea Partiers, Tiberi has become more conservative in his views. Pat Tiberi's first mentor was..... John Kasich.  Tiberi worked for Kasich.

If you visit Rep. Tiberi's congressional website, you'll see this on his front page:

GOP Jobs Plan
Get the lastest news on the GOP plan to restore America's promise

Great spelling!

It doesn't matter how you say it, the GOP plan is a bunch of recycled, same old, tax cuts for the rich propaganda that the Republicans continue to resurrect because they haven't had a new idea in decades.  Here are a few of the key words from the "Republican Jobs Plan" from the What Our Plan Does page:

Reduce Regulations Tax Code Reform Free Trade Patent Reform
Visas for the Highly Skilled FDA Product Approval Energy Production Reducing the Debt

You must be saying to yourself, "I've heard all those words before from the Republicans." Frankly, I think the Republicans just change the title page of their plans, but they keep using the same old content.  They can wrap it in anything they want, but the Republican plan still stinks.

In summary, the Republicans are presenting the same old crap in their "jobs" plan:  cut regulations, give jobs away to highly trained foreigners, lower taxes for all the job creators/corporate big shots/millionaires, follow Republican Rep. Paul Ryan's budget and let the elderly deal with coupons and vouchers to get health care, blah, blah, blah, etc., etc.

According to a search for legislation that was sponsored by Pat Tiberi, there were only eight bills sponsored by him in 2011, and none of them have become law. Tiberi's sponsored bills listed at  Thomas:

1. H.R.749 : To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to permanently extend the subpart F....
2. H.R.1031 : American Shipping Reinvestment Act of 2011...
3. H.R.1533 : Short Sea Shipping Act of 2011...
4. H.R.1955 : Children's Access to Reconstructive Evaluation & Surgery (CARES) Act of 2011....
5. H.R.2051 : Veterans Missing in America Act of 2011....
6. H.R.2780 : To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to clarify the domestic production activities deduction....
7. H.R.3123 : American Job Creation and Investment Act of 2011...
8. H.R.3661 : To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to make permanent and.....

If you look over the legislation sponsored by Tiberi you'll notice that there is not one bill to help the farmers in his district.  They certainly won't be helped by those 2 bills for shipping.

A website called the Tent of Abraham, provides the perfect analysis of Pat Tiberi's agenda in Congress:
I just sent the following message to Pat Tiberi, my Republican congressman: FYI, I just saw your interview on NBC4 and I want you to know, I don’t buy what you said. You are part of intransigent, intolerant, reactionary coalition of Republicans that is more committed to make Barack Obama look bad than in serving the interests of the American people. Your own Republican colleagues in the Senate signed on to the payroll tax extension but you pig-heads in the House thought this might be another opportunity to give the President a black eye.This one citizen in your district Pat Tiberi who is PASSIONATELY committed to defeating you in the next election. You are a Republican first and an American second.....
