Monday, June 25, 2012

Still More Politics

* Republican Rep. Pat Tiberi (OH-12) continues to do nothing for his constituents.  What legislation that he has sponsored has made it into law this congressional session? That is an easy answer ---- ZERO!  According to OpenCongress, Pat Tiberi....
In my opinion, that is pathetic.  Of those bills he has sponsored, 2 of them are legislation related to shipping.  What interest is there in Ohio for international shipping by sea? Which special interest group got to Tiberi?  Where are the jobs, Pat?

• Most people would be upset if someone accused them of lying.  Unfortunately, Josh Mandel seems to enjoy telling lies and smearing his opponents.  NBC4 in Columbus takes a look at Mandel's political ads:

Thursday, June 21, 2012

College Loan Interest Rates Going Up

Republicans are sitting on their behinds and doing nothing but create a political side show while they attack Attorney General Eric Holder.  The Republicans, under the leadership of Rep. Darrell Issa, are investigating events that transpired under the Bush administration. Do you know how many of the people associated with the Bush administration have been called to testify?  Zero!  Issa is out to harm Eric Holder and the President, while he delays important legislation.  Right now, seven million college students are sitting on the edge of their seats waiting for Congress to act on the college loan legislation.  If the Republicans in the House do not act, seven million college students will see their college interest loans double.

Rep. Darrell Issa once lived in Cleveland Heights, and people there know of his reputation. More recently, Ryan Lizza wrote an article for the New Yorker about Darrell Issa:

...Issa, it turned out, had, among other things, been indicted for stealing a car, arrested for carrying a concealed weapon, and accused by former associates of burning down a building.

In May of 1998, Lance Williams, of the San Francisco Examiner, reported that Issa had not always received the “highest possible” ratings in the Army. In fact, at one point he “received unsatisfactory conduct and efficiency ratings and was transferred to a supply depot.” Williams also discovered that Issa didn’t provide security for Nixon at the 1971 World Series, because Nixon didn’t attend any of the games. 

A member of Issa’s Army unit, Jay Bergey, told Williams that his most vivid recollection of the young Issa was that in December, 1971, Issa stole his car, a yellow Dodge Charger. “I confronted Issa,” Bergey said in 1998. “I got in his face and threatened to kill him, and magically my car reappeared the next day, abandoned on the turnpike.” 

There is plenty more about Darrell Issa's life and events. I suggest you read it all at

You have to wonder if the Republicans are going after Attorney General Eric Holder because he is working to end the restrictions on voting started by the Republicans in various states, he has refused to defend DOMA, or is this whole thing been instigated by some right wing group?

It might be to your advantage to call your members of the House and Senate and remind them if they do nothing, your son/daughter's college loan interest rate will double. The Republicans continue to block jobs bills, the infrastructure job creation bill, and even the Dream Act.  They have done Nothing!!!!

Look for your member of the House here, and your Senator here.  Tell them to stop wasting time!!!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Tiberi Pushing for Tax Cuts for Rich

Republican Rep. Pat Tiberi (OH-12th) is still working on extending those Bush tax cuts.  The wealthy have been doing very well, especially with people like Tiberi defending them.  Scott Keyes interviewed Rep. Pat Tiberi for Think Progress:

Rep. Pat Tiberi (R-OH), a member of the House Ways and Means Committee, defended the House Republican budget at a tax policy summit yesterday — as well as the broader idea that taxes on the wealthy need to be cut while taxes on lower-income Americans should be raised. When asked by ThinkProgress’ Scott Keyes to square the GOP’s explicit desire to cut taxes for the rich with the fact that it’s budget would raise taxes on low-income working Americans, Tiberi responded by saying that to do otherwise would be to “beat up on people who are trying to be successful.” He then made the case for raising taxes on the poor by lamenting that they don’t have any “skin in the game”:

    TIBERI: I think the federal government has an obligation to make sure that we deal    with people who have difficulties. But at the same time, the tax code shouldn’t be used as a tool to just bring revenue in and beat up people who are trying to be successful…So I think we’ve got to lower the tax rates, both for corporations and for American individuals. And let them try to grow our economy and grow jobs so people like you and me can have an opportunity to work....

The budget authored by Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI), defended by Tiberi, and passed by the House Republicans, would cut taxes for millionaires by an average of $187,000 in 2014 alone, even if tax expenditures are eliminated to offset the revenue loss. Meanwhile, it would allow tax cuts on low-income Americans, passed in response to the economic collapse, to expire. Families making $30,000 or less would see their after-tax income fall, in some cases by as much as 2 percent, while those making over $1 million would see it rise by 12.5 percent....

As long as Republicans like Pat Tiberi, Steve Stivers, Jim Renacci, John Boehner , and the rest of these GOPers keep defending their rich friends and contributors, the rich will get richer, and the poor will get poorer.

Here is a PR Web release which mentions Rep. Pat Tiberi: 

New York, NY (PRWEB) June 11, 2012
Friday, June 8, Congressman Pat Tiberi (R-OH), Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee Subcommittee on Select Revenue Measures held a hearing to evaluate the framework that Congress should use to assess whether to extend certain tax provisions that either expired in 2011 or will expire in 2012, including New Market Tax Credits (NMTC) and the Low-income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC). This follows on the heels of an April 26, 2012, Subcommittee hearing on proposals related to tax extenders. At that hearing, Robert W. Davenport, president of the National Development Council (NDC) submitted testimony and evidence stressing the importance of extending the NMTC, which expired on December 31, 2011 and the passage of HR 2655, the New Markets Tax Credit Extension Act of 2011....

I wonder if the fact that Pat Tiberi got campaign contributions from Robert Davenport opened the door for Mr. Davenport testify to support the extension of the Bush tax cuts???? OpenSecrets:

NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL3/31/12$1,000Tiberi, Patrick J (R)
NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL/FINANC12/20/09$1,000Tiberi, Patrick J (R)  

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Will Josh Mandel Ever Work at His Elected Office

Josh Mandel must certainly love San Francisco!  If you recall, Josh Mandel went to the Bay Area GOP on December 5, 2011 for a reception held in his honor. Then, Josh Mandel returned to San Francisco to the Bay Area GOP on March 26, 2012, for another fundraiser!"

You'll never guess where Josh Mandel is going AGAIN!!!!!  The Bay Area GOP!!!!!!


Seriously, there is something wrong with someone that is so clearly unhappy in his current job that he would go to any lengths, fly to any destination, just to get out of work. 

Wait!!!!!  There is more!!!!  Josh Mandel goes back to Washington, DC, for more fundraisers.  The Sunlight Foundation has discovered that 3 more fundraisers for Josh Mandel will be held in Washington, DC on Monday, June 18th, 1pm, 4:30pm, and 5pm. (These should not be confused with the 3 previous fundraisers he had in DC on June 4th.)

Mark your calendars!  Josh Mandel won't be in his elected office as Ohio Treasurer on June 13, and June 18th, because he has better things to do than be the custodian of our tax dollars.

In the military, it is call AWOL (absent without leave).  Josh Mandel has been AWOL from his office as Ohio Treasurer.  Shame.