Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Will Josh Mandel Ever Work at His Elected Office

Josh Mandel must certainly love San Francisco!  If you recall, Josh Mandel went to the Bay Area GOP on December 5, 2011 for a reception held in his honor. Then, Josh Mandel returned to San Francisco to the Bay Area GOP on March 26, 2012, for another fundraiser!"

You'll never guess where Josh Mandel is going AGAIN!!!!!  The Bay Area GOP!!!!!!


Seriously, there is something wrong with someone that is so clearly unhappy in his current job that he would go to any lengths, fly to any destination, just to get out of work. 

Wait!!!!!  There is more!!!!  Josh Mandel goes back to Washington, DC, for more fundraisers.  The Sunlight Foundation has discovered that 3 more fundraisers for Josh Mandel will be held in Washington, DC on Monday, June 18th, 1pm, 4:30pm, and 5pm. (These should not be confused with the 3 previous fundraisers he had in DC on June 4th.)

Mark your calendars!  Josh Mandel won't be in his elected office as Ohio Treasurer on June 13, and June 18th, because he has better things to do than be the custodian of our tax dollars.

In the military, it is call AWOL (absent without leave).  Josh Mandel has been AWOL from his office as Ohio Treasurer.  Shame.