Friday, January 18, 2013

Support President Obama

>>> If you support President Obama's proposal on guns, it is time to contact your member of Congress.

Republican Rep. Pat Tiberi has been hiding behind Boehner and Cantor waiting for directions on what to do next. Tiberi's district was gerrymandered to give him better protection in future elections, while he continues to play an obedient servant to the Republican leadership and their far right agenda. 

How effective has Tiberi been in the House of Representatives? In the 112th (2011-2012) Congress, Tiberi sponsored eleven bills, none of which became law. Tiberi is so far out of the middle, that he has an "A" rating with the NRA. Although he votes with his Republican Party 94% of the time, he continues to be more concerned with businesses and corporations than the human beings that live in his district.

Contact Pat Tiberi and other members of the House and the Senate and tell them average Americans want them to pass President Obama's proposals on gun control. Call local offices, or email them TODAY.