* Republican Rep. Pat Tiberi (OH-12) is the Chair of a House Ways and Means Committee. Tiberi, who has successfully worked in the shadow of other Republicans (like John Kasich) stays out of sight, has been hearing testimony this week on tax breaks. Unfortunately, Tiberi seems to be embracing extending the Bush tax cuts for the rich.
....Rep. Pat Tiberi (R, Ohio), the chairman of a House Ways and Means
Committee subcommittee, told reporters on Thursday that the goal remains
to come up with a comprehensive overhaul of the tax code that lowers
rates while bringing more parts of the tax base back into the system.
But "in the interim, that may mean that some of these extenders have to
be extended," Tiberi told reporters. "It may mean that the 01-03 have to
be extended."
....One hitch: Mr. Tiberi said that Congress must find a way to pay for
extending any of the tax breaks. That means either spending cuts or tax
increases elsewhere--options that tend to run into opposition.....
Tiberi, Boehner, Cantor, and other GOPers have already indicated how they'd get the things they want. Just this week, the Republican-dominated House pushed to keep college loan interest rates low by removing preventive care for women from the Obama health care bill. The Republicans are telling you that you will get your student loan, but your mother won't be able to get her yearly cancer screenings. (Yet Republicans say there is no "war on women.")
Here is the vote (The "ayes" voted to extend lower interest rates for college loans, but take away your mother's cancer screenings.) from Friday, April 27, 2012, for
H R 4628 from the clerk.house.gov/evs/2012/roll195.xml:
Adams Aderholt Akin Alexander Amodei Austria Bachmann Bachus BarlettaBarrow Bartlett Barton (TX) Bass (NH) Benishek Berg Biggert Bilbray BilirakisBishop (NY) Bishop (UT) Blackburn Boehner Bonner Bono MackBoren Boustany Brady (TX) Brooks Buchanan Bucshon Buerkle Burgess Burton (IN) Calvert Campbell Cantor Capito Carter Chabot Chaffetz Coffman (CO) Cole Conaway Cravaack Crawford Crenshaw Culberson Denham Dent DesJarlais Diaz-Balart DoldDonnelly (IN) Dreier Duffy Duncan (TN) Ellmers Emerson Farenthold Fitzpatrick Fleischmann Fleming Flores Forbes Fortenberry Frelinghuysen Gallegly Gardner Gerlach Gibbs Gibson Gingrey (GA) | Gohmert Goodlatte Granger Graves (MO) Griffin (AR) Griffith (VA) Grimm Guinta Guthrie Hall Hanna Harper Harris Hartzler Hastings (WA) Hayworth Heck Hensarling Herger Herrera BeutlerHigginsHochul Hultgren Hunter Hurt Issa Johnson (IL) Johnson (OH) Johnson, Sam Jones Jordan Kelly King (IA) King (NY) Kinzinger (IL)Kissell Kline Lance Landry Lankford Latham LaTourette Latta Lewis (CA)Lipinski LoBiondo Long Lucas Luetkemeyer Lummis Lungren, Daniel E. Mack Manzullo MarchantMatheson McCarthy (CA) McCaul McCotterMcIntyre McKeon McKinley McMorris Rodgers Meehan Mica Miller (MI) Miller, Gary Myrick Noem Nugent Nunnelee OlsonOwens | Palazzo Paulsen Pearce PencePeterson Petri Pitts Platts Poe (TX) Pompeo Posey Reed Rehberg Reichert Renacci Ribble Rigell Rivera Roby Roe (TN) Rogers (AL) Rogers (KY) Rogers (MI) Rohrabacher Rokita Rooney Ros-Lehtinen Roskam Ross (FL) Royce Runyan Ryan (WI) Scalise Schilling Schmidt Schock Scott (SC) Scott, Austin Sensenbrenner Sessions Shimkus Shuster Simpson Smith (NE) Smith (NJ) Smith (TX) Southerland Stearns Stivers Stutzman Sullivan Terry Thompson (PA) Thornberry Tiberi Tipton Turner (NY) Turner (OH) Upton WaldenWalz (MN) Webster West Whitfield Wittman Wolf Womack Yoder Young (AK) Young (FL) Young (IN) |
If you read the list, you'll notice that Pat Tiberi (OH-12), Steve Chabot (OH-1),
Jean Schmidt (OH-2), Mike Turner (OH-3), Jim Jordan (OH-4), Bob Latta (OH-5),
Bill Johnson (OH-6), Steve Austria (OH-7), Steve LaTourette (OH-14),
Steve Stivers (OH-15), Jim Renacci (OH-16), Bob Gibbs (OH-18).
If you'd like to contact these Ohio Republicans, I've provided contact info from the
House Directory and the individual campaign/Ohio office numbers:
Official House of Rep #'s --------------------- campaign or Ohio contact:
1 | Chabot, Steve | R | 2351 RHOB | 202-225-2216 (campaign tel: (513) 662-8000) |