Thursday, April 26, 2012

Romney wasn't concerned in 2007

* I saw this over at Daily Kos:

....Mitt Romney saying in April 2007 that it was not worth going after Osama Bin Laden:

It's not worth moving heaven and earth spending billions of dollars just trying to catch one person.

Here is the original 2007 story from TalkingPointsMemo:

Yesterday we flagged an Associated Press story quoting Mitt Romney saying the following about Osama Bin Laden: "It's not worth moving heaven and earth spending billions of dollars just trying to catch one person."

....Indeed, the only condemnation we can find of Romney's remark comes in a single post on the National Review's group blog, The Corner. Byron York writes: "Perhaps Romney should watch the tape of the planes hitting the towers again."

A page capture of TPM Cafe ( shows this-

Quote Of The Day

"It's not worth moving heaven and earth spending billions of dollars just trying to catch one person."
— Mitt Romney, in an interview with the Associated Press, saying that the country's safety would not benefit significantly from catching Osama Bin Laden. This quote was buried in the AP article. One wonders what the reaction would be if a Democrat said this.
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Apr 26, 2007 -- 05:20 PM EST

Here is the original Associated Press story from an interview and published in and captured by :

....In the interview, Romney also:

_Said the country would be safer by only "a small percentage" and would see "a very insignificant increase in safety" if al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden was caught because another terrorist would rise to power. "It's not worth moving heaven and earth spending billions of dollars just trying to catch one person," Romney said. Instead, he said he supports a broader strategy to defeat the Islamic jihad movement.

_Said "the jury's still out" on whether Iraqis, with U.S. help, will successfully rebuild their nation, and establish the rule of law and a permanent government. He ridiculed Democratic efforts to set a public date for withdrawal. "There's certainly nothing wrong with having milestones that we hope to achieve and having the military evaluating whether we're making progress or not, but to set a public deadline for departure makes no military sense at all."

For months, Romney has faced criticism for changing his positions on abortion and gay rights, and equivocating on a series of other policy issues, including immigration and gun control. He has cast himself as the conservative choice for voters, a contrast to the moderate views he voiced in an unsuccessful 1994 Senate race and a victorious 2002 governor's race in liberal-leaning Massachusetts.....

Of Romney's 5 sons, not one of them served in the military, but in this interview he is willing for your sons and your daughters to be in wars forever.

I wonder what other Romney quotes will be found.