Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Paul Ryan Voted For "Let Women Die"

*Should a woman who has been a victim of rape or incest have access to an abortion? Call Republicans Rep. Pat Tiberi (  614 895-0900) and Rep. Steve 
Stivers (614-358-0800) what they think. While you are out it, call Josh Mandel's campaign office (  614-314-8311) and try to get the same question answered.

>>>  Rachel Maddow focused on Josh Mandel tonight.  Would he have supported the GM bailout? Mandel, on tape, answered with a bunch of gibberish, as usual.

•  Here is another interesting tidbit about Paul Ryan, from CBS Pittsburgh:

...there is something else Paul Ryan is gaining notoriety for, his sponsorship of federal legislation to declare that human life begins at fertilization. “Personhood”, as it is called by its proponents, has failed on every state ballot because of its extreme nature.

“Personhood” would outlaw all abortions, even in the cases of rape, incest and threats to a woman’s health. “Personhood” also criminalizes many forms of birth control, including the pill (which is the most popular form of birth control). It also threatens couples going through in vitro fertilization with criminal charges should something happen to the resulting embryos – or as Ryan would say, the resulting people....

...Ryan voted for the “let women die” bill which would allow hospitals to refuse to provide a woman emergency, lifesaving abortion care, even if she could die without it....

How awful!  Why does Paul Ryan believe that women have no rights?

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Farms, Transparency, Forced Ultrasounds, etc.

* Yo!  Ohio Farmers!!!!!!  Why are Republicans blocking the farm bill?  Call Pat Tiberi at his campaign office {(614) 895-0900 - Fax (614) 895-0952 -}.  You can see if Steve Stivers is at his campaign office {(614) 358-0800}.  The do-nothing Republicans in the House of Representatives have done nothing to help you, but they are on vacation - again!!!!
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

 *  Republican tea party candidate, Josh Mandel, supports more transparency, but apparently not for himself. (LINK)  That is hilarious.  Josh Mandel, Ohio's absent Treasurer, has refused to release requested information and refuses to answer questions from the press. 

You can count Mandel among the Republicans that want to give more tax cuts to the rich, raise middle class taxes, and gut public schools.  The Republicans are absolutely disgusting.

>>>> Many people don't know Republican candidate Paul Ryan.  You might not know that Paul Ryan is on the extreme right of the Republican Party.  His views on women are positively prehistoric, and he has voted 59 times against women's reproductive rights.

Seriously.  How can anyone support candidates (Romney-Ryan) that want to-----
  • give more tax cuts for the rich,
  • gut agriculture,
  • allow corporations to dump and pollute the earth, our water, and air,
  • destroy Medicare and force seniors to pay more out of pocket expenses,
  • ban abortions, even if a woman is raped or the victim of incest, 
  • end college grants and loans,
  • de-fund public education,
  • privatize everything, etc., etc., etc.

Romney and Ryan are wrong on every level.

Monday, August 13, 2012

College Students: Avoid the Romney-Ryan Ticket

* If you are preparing to start college or are currently finishing up your degree, there are a few things that you should know about the Republican ticket of Romney-Ryan----

In Paul Ryan's budget, he make cuts to areas that are important to college students and their parents, as noted in this ThinkProgress post:

.....According to an analysis by the Education Trust that was provided to the Huffington Post, the House Republican budget would ultimately knock more than one million students off of Pell Grants entirely:
   More than 1 million students would lose Pell grants entirely over the next 10 years under Rep. Paul Ryan’s budget, according to an analysis that the national reform organization Education Trust provided to The Huffington Post....

How can we forget that Romney advised college students to "...borrow money from their parents....."  From Melissa Harris-Perry's program, we have the following video: (YouTube)

Those of you that live in central Ohio, should be concerned about the Republican candidates. Sending someone like Rep. Pat Tiberi (OH-12) back to the House of Representatives is a ridiculous action. Tiberi and his right wing Republicans have done nothing but sit on their rear ends trying to protect bankers, and millionaires. We cannot support Pat Tiberi because he does nothing but follow orders from the extreme right wing of his party.  Stop the gridlock in Washington and move away from the extremists of the Republican Tea Party.

*******  Republican Josh Mandel Received his 6th Pants on Fire  *******

Ohio's absent Treasurer, Josh Mandel, is a Republican candidate for U.S. Senate.  Mandel, has made another statement in his political ad that has been called his 6th Pants on Fire by Ohio Politifact.

....The ad claims Brown sent billions of dollars to foreign countries. The information that the ad uses to back up that claim, that Brown voted for the stimulus bill, has been proven false. Brown did not make decisions on how that money would be spent, and he was one of the senators who called for its suspension after the foreign grants were reported.

When confronted with those facts, the Mandel campaign offered as support for its claim that Brown votes for appropriations for U.S. foreign operations. That's the money for embassies, war-related spending to help establish new governments and the U.S. portions of international missions. That's a ridiculous stretch from what the ad implies, which is that Brown tried to hide that he irresponsibly sent billions or our tax dollars to foreign countries.

We have a rating for statements that are both false and ridiculous. It's Pants on Fire.

OMG!  Josh Mandel would lie and go to any lengths to get elected. Shame.

• Support President Obama, and vote for Democrats to get things moving again.  We've got to protect our seniors, the futures of a college students, and those who've fallen on hard times.  Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan don't even care about you, unless you are a millionaire.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Farm Bill Delayed by GOP Infighting

*  Republicans in the House have delayed bringing the farm bill to a vote because there have been disagreements in their party over cuts to programs.


Speaker John A. Boehner is resisting a floor debate on a bedrock bill to renew nutrition and agriculture programs, amid concerns that it will spotlight divisions among Republicans and divert attention from the majority’s pre-election agenda.

But some Republicans, including Agriculture Chairman Frank D. Lucas of Oklahoma, are pushing back and pressing leaders to bring the measure (HR 6083) to the floor in order to demonstrate that Republicans can govern....

...Pat Tiberi, R-Ohio, a close Boehner ally, is among those who are hesitant to stir party divisions with a debate over farm programs. “Everyone is for a farm bill, in theory. But there is controversy on many specifics,” Tiberi said....

While Boehner doesn't want to expose the rifts within the Republican controlled House, farmers are waiting for help.  With one of the worst droughts in the history of our country destroying crops, farmers have been left on the sidelines waiting for Boehner and the Tea Party Republicans to settle their differences. 

These Tea Party Republicans are far right agitators that are only concerned about themselves.  It is time to vote out the Tea Party Republicans who continue to slow down legislation just to hear themselves talk. They refuse to help farmers, retirees, and the middle class.

Republican Josh Mandel, Ohio's absent Treasurer and candidate for Senate, has a jobs plan that doesn't mention the middle class, women, families, the auto industry, or anything that applies to regular Ohioans.  Mandel, currently being bolstered by campaign contributions from far right PACs, has embraced the Tea Party core of beliefs that involves lowering taxes for the wealthy, gutting environmental laws, and allowing corporations to do as they please. 

Farmers, and the middle class need candidates that have proven their worth in supporting the needs of ordinary people---- not the country club members.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Tiberi Protecting Wealthy

*** The Hill has a piece written by Republican Rep. Pat Tiberi (OH-12).  In the article, Tiberi claims that he is being called by people concerned about the expiring Bush tax cuts.

The problem is Tiberi and the rest of the Republicans want to protect the wealthy with the unfunded tax cuts put forth during the administration of former President George W. Bush.  Meanwhile, Tiberi, Cantor, and the GOPers in the House, refuse to vote on the tax cut for the middle class that passed the U.S. Senate. 

People should be calling Tiberi to ask him why the Republicans have refused to vote on the farm bill.  The farm bill passed the Senate, but the House Republicans have not even scheduled the the farm bill for committees or a vote. Shame on them. Shame on Tiberi. Our farmers need our support, especially during this particularly dry summer.

Contact Tiberi's office and ask him why he continues to protect millionaires and why he has not helped the farmers in Ohio:

Congressman Patrick J. Tiberi
3000 Corporate Exchange Drive
Suite 310
Columbus, Ohio 43231
(614) 523-2555
Fax: (614) 818-0887 

•••••  Will Romney ever reveal his tax returns?  What does Harry Reid know?  Boston's CBS station has an idea where Harry Reid might have gotten some information on Romney's tax rate:   CBS Boston.