Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Farm Bill Delayed by GOP Infighting

*  Republicans in the House have delayed bringing the farm bill to a vote because there have been disagreements in their party over cuts to programs.


Speaker John A. Boehner is resisting a floor debate on a bedrock bill to renew nutrition and agriculture programs, amid concerns that it will spotlight divisions among Republicans and divert attention from the majority’s pre-election agenda.

But some Republicans, including Agriculture Chairman Frank D. Lucas of Oklahoma, are pushing back and pressing leaders to bring the measure (HR 6083) to the floor in order to demonstrate that Republicans can govern....

...Pat Tiberi, R-Ohio, a close Boehner ally, is among those who are hesitant to stir party divisions with a debate over farm programs. “Everyone is for a farm bill, in theory. But there is controversy on many specifics,” Tiberi said....

While Boehner doesn't want to expose the rifts within the Republican controlled House, farmers are waiting for help.  With one of the worst droughts in the history of our country destroying crops, farmers have been left on the sidelines waiting for Boehner and the Tea Party Republicans to settle their differences. 

These Tea Party Republicans are far right agitators that are only concerned about themselves.  It is time to vote out the Tea Party Republicans who continue to slow down legislation just to hear themselves talk. They refuse to help farmers, retirees, and the middle class.

Republican Josh Mandel, Ohio's absent Treasurer and candidate for Senate, has a jobs plan that doesn't mention the middle class, women, families, the auto industry, or anything that applies to regular Ohioans.  Mandel, currently being bolstered by campaign contributions from far right PACs, has embraced the Tea Party core of beliefs that involves lowering taxes for the wealthy, gutting environmental laws, and allowing corporations to do as they please. 

Farmers, and the middle class need candidates that have proven their worth in supporting the needs of ordinary people---- not the country club members.