* Yo! Ohio Farmers!!!!!! Why are Republicans blocking the farm bill? Call Pat Tiberi at his campaign office {(614) 895-0900 - Fax (614) 895-0952 - info@tiberiforcongress.com}. You can see if Steve Stivers is at his campaign office {(614) 358-0800}. The do-nothing Republicans in the House of Representatives have done nothing to help you, but they are on vacation - again!!!!
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* Republican tea party candidate, Josh Mandel, supports more transparency, but apparently not for himself. (LINK) That is hilarious. Josh Mandel, Ohio's absent Treasurer, has refused to release requested information and refuses to answer questions from the press.
You can count Mandel among the Republicans that want to give more tax cuts to the rich, raise middle class taxes, and gut public schools. The Republicans are absolutely disgusting.
>>>> Many people don't know Republican candidate Paul Ryan. You might not know that Paul Ryan is on the extreme right of the Republican Party. His views on women are positively prehistoric, and he has voted 59 times against women's reproductive rights.
Seriously. How can anyone support candidates (Romney-Ryan) that want to-----
- give more tax cuts for the rich,
- gut agriculture,
- allow corporations to dump and pollute the earth, our water, and air,
- destroy Medicare and force seniors to pay more out of pocket expenses,
- ban abortions, even if a woman is raped or the victim of incest,
- end college grants and loans,
- de-fund public education,
- privatize everything, etc., etc., etc.
Romney and Ryan are wrong on every level.