Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Paul Ryan Voted For "Let Women Die"

*Should a woman who has been a victim of rape or incest have access to an abortion? Call Republicans Rep. Pat Tiberi (  614 895-0900) and Rep. Steve 
Stivers (614-358-0800) what they think. While you are out it, call Josh Mandel's campaign office (  614-314-8311) and try to get the same question answered.

>>>  Rachel Maddow focused on Josh Mandel tonight.  Would he have supported the GM bailout? Mandel, on tape, answered with a bunch of gibberish, as usual.

•  Here is another interesting tidbit about Paul Ryan, from CBS Pittsburgh:

...there is something else Paul Ryan is gaining notoriety for, his sponsorship of federal legislation to declare that human life begins at fertilization. “Personhood”, as it is called by its proponents, has failed on every state ballot because of its extreme nature.

“Personhood” would outlaw all abortions, even in the cases of rape, incest and threats to a woman’s health. “Personhood” also criminalizes many forms of birth control, including the pill (which is the most popular form of birth control). It also threatens couples going through in vitro fertilization with criminal charges should something happen to the resulting embryos – or as Ryan would say, the resulting people....

...Ryan voted for the “let women die” bill which would allow hospitals to refuse to provide a woman emergency, lifesaving abortion care, even if she could die without it....

How awful!  Why does Paul Ryan believe that women have no rights?